Force Leader Board Widget:
It’s time to show off. Now add FLB(Force Leader Board) widget to your website and blogs. You can show your badges, points of the trailhead and your certifications in one widget. You are just a few minutes away to get your widget.
What’s more?
You can create your widget and can use that on your website with some JS and CSS skills. Isn’t it cool..?
How to add?
Copy and paste this code into your website. (Copy Code from here and put your trailblazer id in the below code. (YOUR_TRAILBLAZER_ID)
Where to get Trailblazer ID:
- 1. Go to Force Leader Board
- 2. Click on Join Board. Do Sign in/Sign up.
- 3. After Sign in/Sign up, You will see your Trailblazer ID here.
Customize Your Widget:
You can customize your FLB widget. You need to clone this Github repo and do changes in Js and CSS file according to your wish. Upload your repo to your GitHub and link your JS file in Code. You are building all this with FLB APIs. “More powers in your hands”
Happy Salesforce!!
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