Clone is the predefined method in Apex which is used to clone the record just by one functional line of code. Deep Clone is the extended functionality of the Clone method which is used when we are required to clone ...
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Salesforce Test Utility Classes | TestDataFactory | Util Test in salesforce
Kiran RaoTest utility classes are public test classes that contain reusable code for test data creation. The TestDataFactory/ TestUtility class is a special type of class — It is a public class that is annotated with @isTestand as such, are excluded from the organization code ...
Asynchronous Apex
Kiran RaoAsynchronous Apex is used to run a process in a Separate thread when the are resources available.There is no SLA for these jobs as the resources which are used to run these jobs are shared across the instance.As said above, ...
Creating and Populating a Wrapper in Apex
Kiran RaoAs Apex is a statically typed language, you must choose only one object type per list to iterate. What if you want to iterate an object which can contain multiple standard and custom objects inside it? You would need to ...
How to get a chatter “sharing via link” URL?
Kiran RaoHow to get a chatter “sharing via link” URL which can be accessed by anyone inside or outside of your company? This can be achieved from the field “DistributionPublicUrl” in “ContentDistribution” object. Step1: Get the document ID from the object ...
System.VisualforceException: Getting content from within triggers is currently not supported
Kiran RaoSystem.VisualforceException: Getting content from within triggers is currently not supported (Salesforce Visualforce Error Notification) —————————- Hi All, Recently I was working on a task in which we need to save a pdf page as an attachment when a new record(Contact) ...
The Most Awaited Feature “List Contains” is Now Available – Spring’18
Kiran RaoYes, you heard it right! Now no more replicating List to Set. You can directly use contains over List. Salesforce Spring ’18 Release contains(listElement): Same as a set, it will return true if a list contains an element. List<String> listStrings ...
Automation of JSON2APEX – My journey to writing my own automated tooling for this!
Kiran RaoLyrics Each and every time developing an integration, I wanted to automate the most tedious and routine part of it – creating wrappers for integration entities. I found a couple of tools for it, but all of them are online ...
Apex Intention Actions: The Next Frontier for Apex Completions
Kiran RaoIdea from IDEa Recently, I needed to code a little tool in Java. The last time I coded something in Java was in high school, so it was a nice exercise for me to dust off my Java and get ...