Leaflet is the leading open-source Javascript Library for mobile friendly interactive maps. It is simple, easy to use, efficient and has a great performance on desktop and mobile platforms. It has all the mapping features most developers ever need.
1. Layers Out of the Box
- Tile layers
- Markers, Popups
- Vector Layers: Polygons, Polylines, Rectangles, Circles etc.
- Image Overlays
- GeoJSON: It is an open standard format designed for representing simple geographical features, along with their non-spatial attributes.
2. Interaction Features
- Scroll Wheel Zoom
- Pinch Zoom on mobile
- Double Click Zoom
- Zoom to Area(shift-drag)
- Keyboard Navigation
- Events(click, mouseover etc.)
- Marker Dragging
3. Visual Features
- Zoom and pan animation: background stays in plays and key element slowly lift and move to create depth and motion from static image.
- Tile and popup fade animation: to bring items into a view or to take items out of a view.
- Retina resolution support: better quality displays
4. Performance Feature
- Hardware acceleration on mobile: It makes it feel as smooth as native apps.
- Utilizing CSS3 features: to make panning and zooming really smooth.
- Smart polyline/polygon rendering with dynamic clipping and simplification makes it very fast.
- Modular build system for leaving out features you don’t need.
5. Map Control
- Zoom buttons
- Attribution
- Layer switcher
- Scale
6. Browser Support
a. Desktop
- Chrome
- Firefox
- Safari 5+
- Opera 12+
- IE 7–11
b. Mobile
- Safari for iOS 7+
- Android browser 2.2+, 3.1+, 4+
- Chrome for mobile
- Firefox for mobile
- IE10+ for Win8 devices
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